The Application
28 January 2009
Exodus 40
The Application
27 January 2009
Exodus 39
1. The Holy Clothes: 39:1 (Exodus 28:1 – 5)
2. The Ephod: 39:2 – 7 (Exodus 28:6 – 14)
3. The Breastplate: 39:8 – 21 (Exodus 28:15 – 28)
4. Other Clothes: 39:22 – 31 (Exodus 28:31 – 43)
What is different in this chapter that is not in the previous chapter is the descriptive detail of how they created the clothes. Take a look at the verses dealing with the Ephod. The detail work that had to go into creating the cloth and creating this piece of clothing, it is amazing. Specific is the fact that the gold thread is not just gold color thread but actually handmade gold thread. The gold was hammered thin, cut then woven in.
Another point that I find fascinating is found in verse 30. Here we see a crown that is fastened to the priest’s turban that says, “Holy to the LORD”. 1. It is placed on the head and that seems to me to be important in the fact that sometimes it is our head that gets us in trouble. 2. It declares the priest Holy to the LORD. It is declaratory that the priest belongs to the Lord.
The point in this is that God is in the details. He cares about the finest of thread that is put into the making of these clothes.
In the final section, verses 32 – 43, the craftsmen bring all the things to Moses for him to inspect. (I can imagine the clothes being passed on to Aaron and his and as they pull each piece out a tag falling out inspected by MOSES.) We see in verse 43 that Moses found everything was made to the LORD’s instructions and so he blessed them.
The Application
21 January 2009
Exodus 37 - 38
1. The Ark: 37:1-9 (Exodus 25:10-20)
2. The Table: 37:10-16 (Exodus 25:23-30)
3. The Lamp Stand: 37:17-24 (Exodus 25:31-39)
4. The Altar for Incense: 37:25-29 (Exodus 30:1-5)
6. The Altar for Burnt Offerings: 38:1-7 (Exodus 27:1-8)
7. The Bronze Basin: 38:8 (Exodus 27:9-19)
8. The Courtyard: 38:9-20 (Exodus 27:9-19)
Some interesting facts out of these two chapters, or at least I find them interesting.
1. Verse 37:34 – the lamp stand and all the utensils were made out of 75 pounds of pure gold
2. Verse 38:8 – The basin and its stand were made out of the bronze mirrors given by the women who served at the entrance to the tent of meetings.
3. Verses 38:21 – 29: An inventory was taken of the material used.
a. Gold: 2,193 pounds (approximately over 1 ton)
b.Silver: 7,544 pounds (Over 3 tons) approximately one fifth of an ounce for each person 20 years old or 603,550 people. 7500 pounds of silver to cast the 100 bases, 75 pounds per base. 44 pounds of silver to make the hooks, bands, and tops of the posts.
c. Bronze: 5,310 pounds.
Think about this for a minute, the weight of the items made from this material alone, let alone all the other material of wood and fabric used in the construction of the tent of meetings. What an amazing sight to see in the desert, this beautiful tent used in the worship of the LORD.
The Application
Now that you have considered what was put into this tent that was temporary consider what God has put into you. Scripture says our bodies are a temple. Psalms 139 says we are wonderfully made. Genesis says we are created in God’s image. God cares about you. He designed you himself just as he designed this temple. He is the only craftsman that touched you. Treat your body with the same respect you treat his holy of holies.
20 January 2009
Exodus 36:3 - 38
19 January 2009
Exodus 35:10 - 36:2
Notice that both of these men are talented in all types of trades and crafts. They were skilled craftsmen. It appears in this passage that Bezalel is going to be the chief craftsmen guiding the rest in the construction of the tent. We get a hint of Oholiab’s other reason for being chosen. Look at verse 34, it says that along with being a skilled craftsman he also had the ability to teach. So as I look at this Bezalel was going to oversee all construction and Oholiab was going to teach those that were not as skilled in how to do some of the construction.
The most important thing to notice above all things is where their skills come from. Check out verses 31 and 35. In both these verses it speaks of being given or being filled with, verse 31, “The LORD has filled Bezalel with the Spirit of God, making him highly skilled….” Verse 35 says, “The LORD has made these men highly skilled in all trades.” Their abilities were not attributed to being raised with these skills. It doesn’t come from their own abilities or observing their father’s it came from God.
The Application: We must not forget where our abilities come from. We are to care for them, hone them, and use them for his glory and always give him the praise for our abilities. You are gifted in various ways. Scripture says that there is one Spirit but different gifts are given. Your capabilities are not a mistake but a gift from God. The minute you forget this is when you are headed for a fall. Give God praise today for those abilities you have been given no matter how simple or complex they may seem.
15 January 2009
Exodus 35:1 - 9
In chapter 35 the prep work is done. All the directions have been given to Moses and it is time to put God’s plan into action. This chapter is divided into three distinct sections I am going to look at the first two sections in this devotion and the third section the next time. Verses 1 – 3 deals again with the rules about the Day of Worship. Verses 4 – 9 deals with the peoples contributions of their wealth. The third section deals with the craftsmen for the tent this section extends from verse 35:10 – 36:2.
We have in the first part of chapter 35 another emphasis on the rules of worship. At this point in our devotions you should have begun to see a theme when it comes to the Sabbath. It is a day set aside as holy. A day that is to be a day of rest. A precedence was set by God in the opening verses of Genesis when where we find that God rested on the seventh day. We have seen it mentioned a number of times in Exodus and we see it once again mentioned here. This will not be the last time we see the Sabbath emphasized. All of scripture is important and one thing should not be considered less important than another, but when something like this is mentioned so many times we must take note and see what is being said and understand why it is being emphasized. When you considered what our world is like we see that we are a 24/7 society. Society as a whole goes directly against God’s directive by not having a day that is set aside as rest. We then wonder why we are so warn out.
In the second section sets out the contribution of the Israelites for the making of the tent of meetings. This section corresponds with Exodus 25:1-7. Something I want you to notice here there is not set amount that the people are to give. It says in verse 4, “This is what the LORD has commanded: Choose something of your own to give as a special contribution to the LORD. Let everyone who is willing bring this kind of contribution to the LORD….” It then spells the items that God listed as the materials to be used for the building of the tent.
This is what I want you to notice in that section. This is free will. There is no manipulation no begging. God simply said to give something. No specifications just something. We also see the words who is willing. This means that God was not wanting someone to give grudgingly. He wanted it to come from a joyful and giving heart.
The Application
I have said this time and time again. Each time that the Sabbath is mentioned in scripture I will speak of the fact that you need to create a day that is a day of rest once a week. We are not better than God. God rested we need to do that. For some of us Sunday is not a day of rest because we are teaching and ministering on that day. Then set another day aside. Believe me I need to hear this as much as some of you.
When it comes to giving to the ministry. Whichever ministry it is you should be giving from a willing and joyful heart. Yes there is talk in scripture about tithe and we will talk about that when we come to it, but the first thing is to come and give willingly something. God is more interested in ones heart than the amount that they give.