
Showing posts from April, 2009

Leviticus 12

A short chapter with a large punch. Don’t see many sermon or discussions on this chapter. I think many ministers, especially male ministers. Why, because we are dealing with a controversial subject of why there is a difference between the length of time that a woman is unclean for a daughter and the length that she is unclean for a son. The ultimate thing that this stirs up is why is a woman considered unclean in the first place. I in fact was not necessarily looking forward to addressing this chapter. I pray that I have addressed in the best way possible that brings understanding and glorification to God. Let’s deal with the fact of the woman being unclean because of this. What we have here is the spilling of blood. For this reason alone it was considered to be unclean. As I began researching this subject to understand why a woman was considered unclean and bring understanding to this chapter I found an interesting thing, much like some of the other laws there is a medical conditions...