
Showing posts from January, 2010

Leviticus 27

This chapter talks about things and people set aside and dedicated to God. The bottom line what is dedicated to God remains dedicated or must be bought back. It is a matter of holding ones promise and one of promises that must be held the strongest is the ones we make with God. We see in verses 1 – 8 that is speaks to a person that is vowed to be given to God. The expense to buy this person back is steep. This is shows the importance of human life and of one’s commitment to God and promises made to him. In the rest of this chapter it deals with the giving of animals, homes, land etc. Overall what we see is that what is set aside to be given to God is considered holy and it must be given unless there is given an opportunity to buy back the item. It is not cheap to buy these things back. We see at the end of this chapter the first mention of a tithe to God. In verses 30 – 33 it talks about one-tenth of what comes from the land belongs to the LORD. If you buy back any part you must add on...