Leviticus 6 -7

1. Sinning against God by failing to do your duty
2. Lying to your neighbor about something you were supposed to take care of or lying about something that was stolen or seized from your neighbor is a sin.
3. Finding something that someone lost and lie about it under oath, or commit any other sin like this.
Aside from instructions of taking care of the fire on the altar which was to never go out, the rest of chapter 6 and 7 deals with aspects of the various offerings that we already discussed from other chapters. Don’t take that to mean they have little values or importance for discussion or understanding to the offerings and sacrifices as a whole. They provide greater emphasis in the purpose and the care for the offerings. In going through this devotional study I don’t see the need to rehash what has already been discussed in this setting.
That said I encourage you to look at the two chapters and make sure for yourself that I am not missing something. If you have questions please ask so that we all can benefit and learn from the questions you may ask.
The Application
We all too often through aside the Old Testament as not being relevant to us today, the reality is that it is very relevant in what it has to say. No we don’t sacrifice offerings but consider the first part of chapter 6. In this chapter it talks about doing our duty, not lying under oath or for that matter at all. And also it answers the question of what to do when you find something that someone lost.
We are to do our duty. Whatever that duty is to not do our duty we are committing a sin against God. We are not to lie under oath or any other time for that matter. Finally it is not finder keepers, losers weepers. We are to take the effort to locate and return what we found. For to fail to do so based on what I see here it is a sin and you are stealing.
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