Leviticus 8

Chapter 8 is the dedication/ordination ceremony for Aaron and his sons as priests of the Israelites. The thing to see as you look at this chapter is the significance of the preparation and the ceremonial cleaning. This is an in-depth process that began with Moses washing Aaron and his sons. Once washed they were then clothed in the white linen robes. After this cleaning the animals were slaughtered for the sacrifice for sins, a burnt offering and finally for the ordination offering. The final step of this process was that Moses sprinkled some of the blood on the priests dedicating them and their clothes to the Lord. He also took some of the blood and put it on the right ear lobe, right thumb and the big toe of the right foot.

After all of this they cooked the meat and at it and the bread from the ordination offering. The priests were than instructed not to leave the tent of meeting for 7 days for it will take 7 days to complete the ordination process. They were to serve night and day during that time as the Lord directed so that they would not die.

The Application

Moses is acting in the place of Jesus. Jesus is our advocate he washes and covers our sins with his blood and ordains us for his purpose and stands between us and the Father and says we are acceptable to him. Moses did the same for Aaron and his sons through the washing of them and the sacrifices he then stood before God and says they are acceptable to you. Through Jesus we are a royal priest hood set aside for God’s purpose. We should not take our responsibilities lightly.


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