Leviticus 20

When you read this chapter consider that fact that if it was not for the grace of God we would still be in this situation. People being killed for their sins. Instead Jesus died for all sins. This does not give us the right or okay to go out and practice these sins. The point is that God was making the Israelites to be a separate holy people. He was distinguishing them from those they were with and those who’s land they were going into.

Look at some of the sins listed. God is making a point of the seriousness of the sin and specifically these sins. We may not put people to death for these sins anymore but it does not mean that they are less important. We have God’s grace. There is those that mistakenly think that God is less concerned about the sin. God does not change. If it was a sin then it is a sin now.

Verses 22 – 26 speaks about being holy as God is holy. To be a separate people. There should be a difference between the Israelites and the other people.

As a Christian can people tell a difference between you and others. I am not talking necessarily how you look but by your actions, what you do, what you say. Do you stand out as being set apart. This does not mean you are not to be a part of the world. We are to be in the world but not of the world. Be holy as God is holy.


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