Leviticus 24

The bread was to be made in a specific way with specific ingredients. The purpose of the bread was to be set aside as holy and was to be eaten only by Aaron and his sons. What strikes my interests the greatest is the fact that the lamps were to be remained lit from dusk to dawn. Providing a physical light in the physical darkness. Possibly a analogy to spiritual light in a spiritually dark world.
Though I am glad that we live under grace and not under the law there is a part of me that can’t help but consider what kind of world would we have if we held to some of the laws. Specifically considering some of the punishments for ones actions spoken of in the second part of the chapter. We have a story of a man that cursed God. The results was him being stoned to death. When you look at the other laws I am sure that it would deter some of the crimes we have today. The bottom line of the laws was that it was a bone for bone, eye for eye, tooth for tooth consequence.
The greatest focus in this chapter is the talking of keeping the lamps lit during the time of darkness. How important it is for us to keep our spiritual lamps lit and shining bright in the spiritual dark world. We must not allow our lamps to dim or go out. The lost world needs to see our light.We should rejoice that we are not under the law but under grace but does not mean we should not be held accountable for the wrongs that we do. So many people look for excuses or someone else to blame for our actions. We need to accept responsibility for our actions.
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