Leviticus 26

In this chapter we see three major sections. 1. God’s promise to those who keep his laws. 2. God’s curses for those who break his laws. 3. God will remember his promise. These are fairly straight forward when we look at this passage. We are blessed and reward because we obey God’s laws. We are in his favor. If we choose to disobey his laws there are consequences for disobeying. The consequences increase the more one refuses to deny God and walk away from him.
What shows God is the same yesterday, today, and forever is the showing of grace and mercy he has. This was not a new concept because of Jesus coming we find an example of his grace in verse 40 through 46. God says that if the people will repent, confess their sins and humble themselves he will remember his promise to Abraham. Look at the end of this chapter. We see that though he forgives them there are still consequences for their sins. We often think that because we ask God to forgive us that he should immediately relinquish the punishment. Just because your kids seek forgiveness do you not still punish them for their disobedience?

Though we are not under the law because of Jesus we still have to adhere to what God commands of us. We are to live holy lives. When we choose to not obey his commands to not live holy lives there are consequences for our sins. God’s blessings and rewards are not because you have prayed a certain way it is more about the fact that you have lived a holy life. Remember also that there may still be consequences for sin even after you have sought forgiveness. A murderer must still be held accountable for the murder even if he has turned his life to God


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