Leviticus 21

This chapter involves the holiness of the priests and remaining holy and clean in order to come into the presence of the LORD. As I read through the list I am glad that we are bound by grace and not the laws because if we were bound by the laws then I would not be acceptable for the priesthood.

The thing to remember when you read this is that though this was directed at a select group of people and we can also apply this chapter to modern day ministers and use it as a reminder that ministers are to be set apart as holy and are held at a higher standard than others because of being God’s representative to the people. It is kind of like when I was a military police officer. As a keeper of the regulations we were expected to not just adhere to the regs but to exceed the regs where we could. For example not just shine our boots but spit shine them. Ministers have a requirement to be holy. Not holier than thou type but holy to the LORD because they are God’s representative.

Here is the catch. We see in scripture that we are a royal priesthood set aside for God’s purpose. This means that these passages apply to all of us as we are God’s representatives to the people.

There is a theme over the last few devotions. Be holy as God is Holy. We must remember that we are God’s representative to the masses thus we must not just meet the standards we must exceed the standards. Many non-Christians meet the standard as far as being good. Excepting Jesus raises us to another level, but we know that there are many that believe yet will not get to heaven. We need to seek to go above the average and seek God’s holiness. To be perfect as Jesus was. This is not done by works but by prayer and walking after God.


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