
Showing posts from February, 2010

Numbers 2

Chapter 2 simply consists of laying out the placement of the tents in the camp. What we see here is an illustration of what we often hear, that of God being a God of order. Notice that as you read this passage the tents were to be set up in a certain way, facing a certain direction, under the family flag. Each family was placed on a specific side of the tent of meetings. Application Even the minor things as setting up camp God is concerned about. What seems random, is not, what seems happen chance is not. God is a God of order. He is not surprised about what happens in life. There is order and direction. The other thing we see here is that if God is interested in the placement of tents don’t you think that he is just a little interested in the things of your life and wants to bring order and direction to you. Will you listen to what he is saying to bring that order to your life?


Imagine that a book titled Numbers start off with a count. In this case the count has to do with those of military age. This is what I would call the first Selective Service registration. In verse 3 we see God tell Moses, while in the Sinai Desert that he is to list every male by name who is at least 20 years old and eligible for military duty. This count is similar to those males in the states who are of 18 years of age. The count was to be done in a specific way. Aaron and Moses were to take a specific male that God had chosen to help in the count for each tribe. Verses 5 – 15 lists these males. Every male of eligible for military duty and their ancestry was to be listed. You can read the count for each tribe in the following verses. The total eligible for military duty was 603,550. What is interesting in this chapter is that they were divided into divisions that had their own flag. If you look at our modern military we are divided into divisions. T...