Number 6 Continued, "Blessings"

The end of Numbers chapter 6 are some of my favorite verses.

What we have in these verses is the blessing that the LORD gave to Moses for Israel.  I like how these verses read in God's Word translation reads. 

"The LORD said to Moses, "Tell Aaron and his sons, 'This is how you will bless the Israelites.  Say to them:  The LORD will bless you and watch over you.  The LORD will smile on you and be kind to you.  The LORD will look on you with favor and give you peace.'  "So whenever they use my name to bless the Israelites, I will bless them."

Notice that it does not just say the LORD bless you it has the word will added in there.  This is important because it conveys the active voice of the words, bless, smile and look.  God’s blessings, smile and looking on the Israelites is ongoing.  It is not a onetime thing.
The LORD will bless….  The LORD will smile….  The LORD will look….

Now one of the interesting points about this blessings is when being said over Israel the priest would raise his right hand over them.  The Israelites in return would raise their right hand to receive the blessing.

God’s desire to is bless.  It is evident when we look at these verses we see God's heart to bless.  Don't misunderstand here.  I am not talking like those who preach the propserity gospel.  This is not just dealing with being blessed financially or if you name it you will have it.  God's blessings come in so many different ways.  If you are looking you will see his blessings poured out.  If you are only looking for monetary blessings then you will miss the other blessings God is giving.
So I say raise my right hand to you and say to you the words of Numbers 6: 24 – 26

“The LORD will bless you and watch over you.  The LORD will smile on you and be kind to you.  The LORD will look on you with favor and give you peace.”

May you recieve God's blessings today.


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