Numbers 12 "Leadership"

There was a time in my career that I had a leader that was not considered the best leader that the unit had ever had.  I found myself joining in the complaints of others concerning this individual instead of simply being a sounding board and encouraging prayers for them.  Not unlike what was taking place in this chapter.  God convicted me and I went to the individual and sought forgiveness even though they were not aware of what I was doing.

We see that Moses, unlike some of the leaders we have today, is a great example of a great leader in this chapter.  We also have an example in this chapter of poor leadership.

The chapter opens with Miriam and Aaron (Aaron is the chief priest) complaining about Moses.  Their complaint had to do with who Moses was married to and they were being insubordinate towards his leadership.  Essentially they were saying, "What makes him so special hasn’t God spoken through us also."

Their complaints got God’s attention.  What we don’t know is if they were just talking between themselves or if they were complaining in the company of others.  What we do know is that they were complaining.  God spoke to Moses, Miriam and Aaron and told them to come to the tent of meeting.  It was there that God scolded Aaron and Miriam for their complaints.  Look at verses 6 and following.  God distinguishes the way he talks to prophets and the way the way the talks to Moses.  Moses gets the personal treatment.  God is so angry at Aaron and Miriam that he has to leave.  Can you imagine what he would have done if he stayed.  What he did do is infect Miriam with a skin disease.

Why Miriam and not Aaron.  The answer to that I cannot tell you.  I can assume that Miriam felt that her husband was slighted and deserve a greater position and Aaron bought into what she was saying and said hey yea what about me.

What is more important than this was Moses’ response.  You see Aaron being repentant.  Moses could have walked away and say sucks to be you.  You should have not complained about me.  I am out of here.  Instead he responds with compassion and asked God to heal her.  God heals her but she still has to go outside the camp for 7 days.  They don’t break camp until she is considered clean.

What an amazing show of leadership by Moses.


The first thing is to remember that scripture says that no one is in leadership but that God has placed them there.  We don’t have to agree with them or buy into all that they say and do.  Their purpose may not even be holy but God has placed them in leadership.  In some cases it is to usher in his return.  This does not mean we should not be active against those things that are against scripture but it also means that we should pray for the leaders appointed over us.

If you are a leader take a lessons from Moses.  Notice he was not vindictive.  He did not seek revenge he sought compassion.  How you handle someone who challenges your leadership says much about what type of leader you are.  Are being a leader like Moses?


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