Numbers 14 Continued

When we last looked at chapter 14 the Israelites had listened to the spies who said that they could not take the Promise Land.  For that God said they would not be allowed into the Promise Land and would wander until everyone 20 years old and older was dead.

Hearing this the Israelites decided to take it upon themselves to go into the Promise Land.  So they got up early to go into the Promise Land on their own.  The figured that beings they sinned they should make up for it and go against what God had said.  Trading one wrong for another wrong.  Moses warned them not to go.  That if they went they would be defeated because God was not with them.  They ignored him and went to the promise land.  We see at the end of the chapter they were soundly beaten back by the enemy.


There are doors that are open that we must be willing to step through when they are open.  For many reasons we don’t act on what God has asked us to do, fear, refusal, etc.  When we do what the Israelites did we must realize that when God says no we must not force the door open.  We can’t correct our disobedience with more disobedience.  The consequences are going to be worse then had we accepted the consequences for our first disobedience.  Just as two wrongs will not make a right for us it will not make a right for God.


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