Numbers 7 Offerings

Chapter 7 is a long chapter most of it is redundant as it describes how each tribe's leader brought their gifts to the tabernacle.

The chapter begins with the blessing of the tent and all the pieces of the tabernacle.  This is followed by the Israelites bring their offerings to the tent of meetings.  Majority of the chapter is essentially the same thing as each tribe brings the same gifts over the next twelve days.

What struck me in this was the importance of the offerings.  The offerings were intended to allow the Levites to be able to do the work of the ministry.  Remember the Levites responsibility was to the Tent of Meeting and ministry to the people of Israel.  They were not out making a living this was their living.  What we need to understand here is that this was just an offering.  We will see later that this is different from the tithe.


As a minister I am aware of those out there who do not always do what is right with the offerings their ministry receives.  This causes many to wonder why they should give an offering.  Many have even stopped giving offerings.  The Bible says that a worker is worth their higher.  There is nothing that says that a ministry or minister cannot have some of the nice things.  I feel it is an issue, unless by the ministers choice, that he / she drives a car that has problems while his parishioners drive newer nicer cars.  I am not saying the minister has to have a Mercedes or Audi.  He or she should have a good reliable vehicle.  

Or a ministers family has to struggle financially because the offerings are not coming in while his / her parishioners enjoy a comfortable life.  There are many ministers who work a full-time job while being a full-time pastor.  They do this simply to be able to take care of their families.  Sometimes this is because the church is not large enough to support the pastor and other times it is because the parishioners are not giving their offerings.  

No a minister should not necessarily get rich from the ministry but they are worthy of their higher.  If you find they are not worthy of their hire, not that you just don't like them because you are being convicted through their ministry, but they have stopped ministering the Word and following after God then unless God has directed you don't make the corporate body suffer by withholding your offerings.  You take the steps necessary to have the leadership removed.

What I see in this chapter is the importance of supporting the ministries were we are spiritually fed spiritually.  Are you properly supporting the ministry where you are being spiritual fed? Why have you stopped supporting it?  What you give is between you and God.  Ensure you are not sinning by withholding your offerings.


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