Numbers 9

In the first section dealing with the Passover we see nothing significant spiritually that we have not talked about when dealing with the Passover before. What is significant is the fact that the Israelites are now entering their second year since leaving Egypt. The first Passover was celebrated the night they left Egypt. We see in chapter 9 that God has come to Moses and reminded him that the Passover was to be celebrated yearly at the same time. So we see the Israelites are instructed to celebrate the Passover.
There are two significant added rules to the Passover. 1. Those who are considered unclean or who are traveling can celebrate the Passover in the second month instead of the first month. 2. Those that refuse to celebrate the Passover but are not considered unclean are to be excluded from the people.
What I want to really look at and have you consider is the second part of chapter 9. This part has to do with the leading of Israel through the desert. Most of us remember the stories about Israel being led by fire at night and smoke by day. Aside from the fact that we see in the first part of the chapter that they have been in the desert for a year now which is much longer than it should have taken them to get to the Promise Land.
The Israelites only moved when the smoke or fire moved. They would stop when it stopped. This could have been for one day or one week one month a year it was up to God how long they would stay in one spot. They were not to pack up and move before the cloud moved or stop before it stopped. Many of us would love to have a cloud from God like that so we knew when we were supposed to move and where. The problem is that many of us would not pay attention to it anyway.
As far as the application of the Passover we can consider communion as similar to the Israelites celebrating the Passover. Aside from that we see in this passage that it is okay for foreigners to celebrate the Passover. If you have not had the opportunity to experience a Passover celebration I encourage you to check one out. There is one that Messianic Jews celebrate that emphasizes Jesus.
The greater challenge for most of us is to follow God’s leading. God may not have a cloud in front of us guiding us along our way but he has given us guidance that we need to heed and listen to. For some of us it is not as hard to move the challenge is sitting still and being in the place God has placed you for the time. We see in this chapter that it did not matter when or where God stopped, the Israelites stopped. This was not a democracy where they got a vote. God stopped they set up camp and served in the place they were at whether they liked it or not.
For some of you the greater challenge is not staying but in moving. God has been trying to get you moving for years now. You have set your feet in and dug in. You have set yourself up so that you can’t move. Or you have become so attached to where you are at that you have refused to move, whether it is out of fear or just plain disobedience.
Whether you are refusing to sit still, or refusing to move you are out of God’s will and missing the blessings that he has for you. Remember it is not necessarily going to be an earthquake, fire or strong wind that moves you or stops you. It is more than likely going to be that still small voice. Are you listening to God? Are you where he wants you to be? I cannot necessarily tell you how you will know because God deals with each of us as individuals. Check your life, how is it going, is there peace in your life though things seem to be in turmoil. Are you experiencing God’s blessings in your life?
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