21 January 2009

Exodus 37 - 38

We are speeding through Exodus 37-38. I caution you that I don’t want you to think that these passages are not important but we have dealt with the things in these chapters earlier.

1. The Ark: 37:1-9 (Exodus 25:10-20)

2. The Table: 37:10-16 (Exodus 25:23-30)
3. The Lamp Stand: 37:17-24 (Exodus 25:31-39)
4. The Altar for Incense: 37:25-29 (Exodus 30:1-5)
6. The Altar for Burnt Offerings: 38:1-7 (Exodus 27:1-8)
7. The Bronze Basin: 38:8 (Exodus 27:9-19)
8. The Courtyard: 38:9-20 (Exodus 27:9-19)

Some interesting facts out of these two chapters, or at least I find them interesting.

1. Verse 37:34 – the lamp stand and all the utensils were made out of 75 pounds of pure gold
2. Verse 38:8 – The basin and its stand were made out of the bronze mirrors given by the women who served at the entrance to the tent of meetings.
3. Verses 38:21 – 29: An inventory was taken of the material used.

a. Gold: 2,193 pounds (approximately over 1 ton)

b.Silver: 7,544 pounds (Over 3 tons) approximately one fifth of an ounce for each person 20 years old or 603,550 people. 7500 pounds of silver to cast the 100 bases, 75 pounds per base. 44 pounds of silver to make the hooks, bands, and tops of the posts.

c. Bronze: 5,310 pounds.

Think about this for a minute, the weight of the items made from this material alone, let alone all the other material of wood and fabric used in the construction of the tent of meetings. What an amazing sight to see in the desert, this beautiful tent used in the worship of the LORD.

The Application

Now that you have considered what was put into this tent that was temporary consider what God has put into you. Scripture says our bodies are a temple. Psalms 139 says we are wonderfully made. Genesis says we are created in God’s image. God cares about you. He designed you himself just as he designed this temple. He is the only craftsman that touched you. Treat your body with the same respect you treat his holy of holies.

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