Leviticus 23

The first section is short dealing with the Day of Worship. It is simple guidance the Israelites are to work only six days and on the seventh day they were to rest. To do no work it is the LORD’s day of worship.
As I consider the two festival seasons we can look at the details of each of the festivals in detail but I am not sure that is what is important here. I think what is important is the purpose of the festivals. As I read through these it is about celebrating God and worshipping him. Giving him the thanks and glory for the harvest along with seeking forgiveness for sins.
We may not do the festivals as they had them then but we need to keep a Sabbath. It is difficult in this day and age for many people to celebrate the Sabbath on Sunday. Some, depending on their faith see the Sabbath on Saturday but even that is difficult to at times celebrate. I believe it is important that we gather together as the body of Christ for fellowship and worship that may be Sunday or Saturday. In Korea we had a service on Friday evenings. I think that we need to also consider what we are doing on that day. As a minister Sunday is often not a day of rest. It is often more work then many other days. I believe it is important you have a day set aside for rest and meditating on God. A day set apart as holy for the LORD.We don’t have to wait for a certain time of year to give God glory and to celebrate what he has done for us. We do need to make it a point to give God praise for all that he has done and given us.
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