14 October 2012

What Is Holding You Back

     Have you ever set out to do something that was seemingly impossible?  Have you been criticized, and looked down upon because you took a challenging step and yet seemingly failed while others stayed safely within their comfort zone?  A story in the Christian scriptures speaks of someone who did just this.  The man that I speak of was Peter.  He took a risk and a chance and it seemingly ended in failure.  Though there was not any criticism of Peter at the time, I have heard much criticism of Peter since.

     The story goes like this; Jesus sent his disciples across the sea and instructed them that he would catch up with them.  Though odd, because if they have the boat how is Jesus going to catch up to them, the disciples climbed in a boat and set sail for the other side of the sea.  A short way into their travels a storm hits and they are being tossed about in the boat.  Jesus comes along in the early morning walking on the water.  The disciples seeing him are scared that Jesus is a ghost.  Jesus identifies himself to which Peter responds if it is really you order me to come.  Jesus orders him to come and so Peter climbs out of the boat and starts walking on the water.  Peter begins to look around, becomes afraid, and starts to sink.  Jesus catches him and they walk back to the boat and climb in.  At this point Jesus calms the storm (Matthew 14:22 – 33).

     This is where Peter gets a bad reputation for Jesus asks why he doubted.  Often this is our focus in this story, the fact that Peter doubted and began to sink.  Here is another look at that same situation.  In that boat was at least twelve people, of those, twelve only Peter was willing to take the risk, climb out of the boat, and walk on the water towards Jesus.  Though Peter became overwhelmed by the things going on around him and lost sight of his goal and began to sink, he was at least willing to be obedient, to take a risk, and do something that seemed impossible.  The others chose to stay in the boat.  By staying in the safety of the boat, they missed an opportunity.

     For those who are like Peter and stepped out of their boat of comfort and entered into an experience of a lifetime congratulations for having such courage.  If you find that you are still walking on the water, in the midst of the storm and circumstances are causing you to begin to sink refocus on your goal.  Look around and see who is there to catch you so you do not become overwhelmed by the circumstances.

     If you are one of those still remaining in the boat of comfort, what is keeping you in the boat instead of taking that chance, that risk to have the experience of your life?  What fears are keeping you in your comfort zone instead of stretching yourself to greater things?

     I believe that we need to be more like Peter and be willing to take the calculated risk and step out of the boat.  Keep our eyes on the goal and not the circumstances.  Know that when we do become overwhelmed with our circumstances in the risk, that there is always someone out there to catch us and help us in our endeavors, whether that be your faith, a friend, a chaplain or any other form of help.  The first step can be the scariest but the risk is usually worth the first step.

22 February 2012

Numbers 14 Continued

When we last looked at chapter 14 the Israelites had listened to the spies who said that they could not take the Promise Land.  For that God said they would not be allowed into the Promise Land and would wander until everyone 20 years old and older was dead.

Hearing this the Israelites decided to take it upon themselves to go into the Promise Land.  So they got up early to go into the Promise Land on their own.  The figured that beings they sinned they should make up for it and go against what God had said.  Trading one wrong for another wrong.  Moses warned them not to go.  That if they went they would be defeated because God was not with them.  They ignored him and went to the promise land.  We see at the end of the chapter they were soundly beaten back by the enemy.


There are doors that are open that we must be willing to step through when they are open.  For many reasons we don’t act on what God has asked us to do, fear, refusal, etc.  When we do what the Israelites did we must realize that when God says no we must not force the door open.  We can’t correct our disobedience with more disobedience.  The consequences are going to be worse then had we accepted the consequences for our first disobedience.  Just as two wrongs will not make a right for us it will not make a right for God.

17 February 2012

Numbers 13 and 14

Numbers 13 and 14 tells the story of the spies going into the land God had promised Israel and the results of the report that the spies brought back.  In this story we find the reason why the Israelites wandered the desert for 40 years.  In chapter 13 Moses sends out the spies.  They spent 40 days exploring the land.  The fact is it had been just over 2 years sense they left Egypt.  They had been in the desert longer then was intended already for their disobedience.  The Israelites were just outside the area that God had promised them. This is evident by the fact that they sent spies in.  Today in the Army we call them scouts.  They look at the terrain and the enemy and send information back to the command so the command can make a decision on how to assault.  Such was the purpose of these spies.

We see in Chapter 13 that the reports start off being pretty positive.  It is a land that flows with milk and honey and they even brought back some fruit to show.  It was exciting until some of the spies began to talk about the people.  They began to complain about the people that lived in the land.  Saying that they were too big and too strong for the Israelites to take on.  The only dissenters were Caleb and Joshua who told the people that in spite of the challenges they were more then capable to take the land.

The other spies began to spread lies and rumors among the people to cause them to turn against Moses, and not believe Caleb and Joshua.

Chapter 14 tells the results of the turmoil these spies caused as they spread their lies.  It got to a point that they wanted to stone Moses and Aaron.  God was ready to slaughter them all.  Moses once again steps in and tells God if he kills them, all that God did before will be seening as worthless among the people of the promise land and Egypt.  The Israelites would be dead several times over had Moses not continued to step in.  Prayer does make a difference.

God forgives but the consequence for the peoples actions is that they will not take possession of the promised land.  God tells Moses to turn around and head back into the desert.  Anyone 20 or older would not live to see the land.  The exception to this is Joshua and Caleb.  God says in verse 28 that he will do to the Israelites what they said would happen to them.  The children of these adults would be the ones to take over the land.

The men sent to explore the land died instantly because they had made the whole community complain, only Joshua and Caleb survived.


The odds may seem overwhelming in your flesh but when God has said he will give you something he will give it to you.  If he has called you to a place he will take you through to the finish.  When we look at the circumstances instead of the blessings.  When we allow the bad to blind us to what God promises we lose out.  It is okay to have doubts we all do but if you trust God and head in the direction he has asked he will take care of the giants in the land.

We also need to be careful what we ask for.  We may just get it.  When you get what you have asked for you have no right to complain.  God does not give us junk.  If you lack confidence and lack trust in God doing what he siad he would do you may find yourself doing what an old song says, “Take another lap around mount Zion, until you learn  your lesson."  Do not take another lap around the desert.  Trust that God will lead  you in to the promise land and will take care of the giants of the land.

16 February 2012

Numbers 12 "Leadership"

There was a time in my career that I had a leader that was not considered the best leader that the unit had ever had.  I found myself joining in the complaints of others concerning this individual instead of simply being a sounding board and encouraging prayers for them.  Not unlike what was taking place in this chapter.  God convicted me and I went to the individual and sought forgiveness even though they were not aware of what I was doing.

We see that Moses, unlike some of the leaders we have today, is a great example of a great leader in this chapter.  We also have an example in this chapter of poor leadership.

The chapter opens with Miriam and Aaron (Aaron is the chief priest) complaining about Moses.  Their complaint had to do with who Moses was married to and they were being insubordinate towards his leadership.  Essentially they were saying, "What makes him so special hasn’t God spoken through us also."

Their complaints got God’s attention.  What we don’t know is if they were just talking between themselves or if they were complaining in the company of others.  What we do know is that they were complaining.  God spoke to Moses, Miriam and Aaron and told them to come to the tent of meeting.  It was there that God scolded Aaron and Miriam for their complaints.  Look at verses 6 and following.  God distinguishes the way he talks to prophets and the way the way the talks to Moses.  Moses gets the personal treatment.  God is so angry at Aaron and Miriam that he has to leave.  Can you imagine what he would have done if he stayed.  What he did do is infect Miriam with a skin disease.

Why Miriam and not Aaron.  The answer to that I cannot tell you.  I can assume that Miriam felt that her husband was slighted and deserve a greater position and Aaron bought into what she was saying and said hey yea what about me.

What is more important than this was Moses’ response.  You see Aaron being repentant.  Moses could have walked away and say sucks to be you.  You should have not complained about me.  I am out of here.  Instead he responds with compassion and asked God to heal her.  God heals her but she still has to go outside the camp for 7 days.  They don’t break camp until she is considered clean.

What an amazing show of leadership by Moses.


The first thing is to remember that scripture says that no one is in leadership but that God has placed them there.  We don’t have to agree with them or buy into all that they say and do.  Their purpose may not even be holy but God has placed them in leadership.  In some cases it is to usher in his return.  This does not mean we should not be active against those things that are against scripture but it also means that we should pray for the leaders appointed over us.

If you are a leader take a lessons from Moses.  Notice he was not vindictive.  He did not seek revenge he sought compassion.  How you handle someone who challenges your leadership says much about what type of leader you are.  Are being a leader like Moses?

15 February 2012

Numbers 11

In This chapter we find the mention of manna again but what it deals with mainly is the people’s desire for meat.  Within this story there are several things going on.  The chapter starts out with the people complaining and God sending fire raining down.  We then see Moses prayed and the fire died down.

What makes this fact so interesting it is that we see a few sentences latter Moses is saying he can’t handle the people and just wants for God to kill him.  For those who have heard of suicide by cop this seems that Moses was seeking suicide by God.  God does not kill him but tells him to bring 70 leaders and gives a part of the spirit that he poured out on Moses to these 70 leaders.  In doing this it divides the power so that Moses is not dealing with all the people himself. 

On the surface it seems like a simple complaint concerning food.  Why shouldn’t they complain that all they had to eat was manna.  Now I understand a bit about this for when I was in Iraq every 21 days we had the same meal.  So I knew what I was going to have to eat the next day by what I had to eat the day before.  I can only imagine what they felt like to have manna all the time.  So they were tired of manna so they asked for meat.  Now remember they had many animals they had brought with them.  It was not like they did not have meat.  They had plenty of meat.  So what was the complaint about?  Why did God say to Moses that he will give them meat to eat so much until they were sick of it and it was coming out of their ears?  Why did he then make some sick at the end of the chapter.

To understand this we need to look at what their real complaint was.  The complaint was not so much about what they were eating but about the fact that they were not where they had been.  It is interesting how quickly we forget how bad things were before.  They were questioning God they were saying things were better in Egypt. They were in love with the things of the world. Here God was right there with them yet they wanted more they wanted what they wanted.  God doesn’t just listen to what we say he looks upon our hearts.  They were complaining about where they were and seemed to forget the oppresiveness that they had been under in Egypt and their desire to leave there.


So what can we learn from this chapter?  God understands that sometimes we need help and when we ask as Moses did he will provide that help.  The second thing is realize that God wants to hear your struggles and the things that you are going through, but what is the motivation of your heart.  Are you telling him that you know what is best for you.  Has your desire for other things become greater than your desire for God?  Do you have what you need but complaining because it is not filet mignon, or a Mercedes Benz? 

We need to at times check our attitudes and make sure we are seeking God first then he will add the rest.  Sometimes we need to be careful what we ask for because God may just give it to us.  It is like when kids keep asking and asking and you say no but they ask one more time and you finally give in knowing that it is not the best for them.  Then the kids are shocked when something bad happens and you tell them I tried to warn you.  God treats us the same so be cautious because that thing you are asking for and God has said no, well you may just get it.  Don’t expect him to be surprised when you come crawling back to him for forgiveness.

The good old days are not always as we remember them.  We must keep our eyes forward and no that God has our best in mind.

14 February 2012

Chapter 10 seems to be a chapter for the musician and the one that is interested in military history.

This chapter is chocked full of music for the musician and military history.  You see military precision in this chapter.  The first half of the chapter God has Moses make some silver trumpets.  How many musicians would not love a 100% silver trumpet.  The trumpet here was intended for the same purpose it is used for today in the Army.

We see that God instructs Moses about the different type of sounds to play from the trumpet.  As I read this chapter I reflected on the number of formations that I have been a part of where the trumpet is used to signal the various movements from the sound for the adjutant to the movement of troops.  Each note, each fanfare, each sound has meaning.  So it was for the trumpets that Moses used to assemble the people.

The rest of the chapter deals with the movement.  The trumpet we see signaled the time to move and who moved when.  The only way to move such a large group of people was by military precision.  The organization of who moved and what order provided scouts, protection, and the ability to have the Tent of Meeting set up prior to the arrival of the instruments for that tent.  Take a moment and think about the size of this tent and how long it would have taken to set up.  Now think of the distance back the rest of the things had to be in order to arrive just in time to move them into the tent.  We are talking a lot of people and distance separated the tent from the other parts.

For the military historians besides the trumpet take a look and see the guidons or probably better known today as battalion colors or brigade colors.  The bottom line is each family had a flag that went before them when they moved similar to what we see in the modern military.

At the end of the chapter as little to do for the musician or the historian but it has a lot to do with what many of us do on a daily bases, or at least whenever we go on a long trip.  It is the prayer covering for the travel.  It is in some way similar to many prayers that I have said before we travel.  Moses says a prayer for the travel of the Israelites and follows that upon arrival with another prayer.


So how do we apply this?  The first thing to remember is that no matter where you go if you are following God he will go before you.  The other thing to remember is that God has things organized so that things will arrive in the proper time.  Remember it is not your time but his.  One of the most important things to learn from this chapter is to listen to God’s leading.  You have to become familiar with his voice and his direction.  Remember in the chapter there was a different sound for movement then it was for assembly.  As you draw closer to God you will get to know his guidance to you and you will be able to tell the difference between a call to assemble and a call to move.  Most people I talk to have not gotten in tune with God enough to distinguish what is being asked of them.  This leads to much confusion between what God is saying.  Read the first part of this chapter again.  You will see that God gave distinguished sounds for each thing he wanted done.   Seek after and learn God’s voice so you can be confident in what he is asking.

13 February 2012

Numbers 9

In chapter 9 there are two sections, one dealing with the Passover the other dealing with the Israelites movement through the desert.

In the first section dealing with the Passover we see nothing significant spiritually that we have not talked about when dealing with the Passover before.  What is significant is the fact that the Israelites are now entering their second year since leaving Egypt.  The first Passover was celebrated the night they left Egypt.  We see in chapter 9 that God has come to Moses and reminded him that the Passover was to be celebrated yearly at the same time.  So we see the Israelites are instructed to celebrate the Passover.

There are two significant added rules to the Passover.  1. Those who are considered unclean or who are traveling can celebrate the Passover in the second month instead of the first month.  2.  Those that refuse to celebrate the Passover but are not considered unclean are to be excluded from the people.

What I want to really look at and have you consider is the second part of chapter 9.  This part has to do with the leading of Israel through the desert.  Most of us remember the stories about Israel being led by fire at night and smoke by day.  Aside from the fact that we see in the first part of the chapter that they have been in the desert for a year now which is much longer than it should have taken them to get to the Promise Land.

The Israelites only moved when the smoke or fire moved.  They would stop when it stopped.  This could have been for one day or one week one month a year it was up to God how long they would stay in one spot.  They were not to pack up and move before the cloud moved or stop before it stopped.  Many of us would love to have a cloud from God like that so we knew when we were supposed to move and where.  The problem is that many of us would not pay attention to it anyway.

As far as the application of the Passover we can consider communion as similar to the Israelites celebrating the Passover.  Aside from that we see in this passage that it is okay for foreigners to celebrate the Passover.  If you have not had the opportunity to experience a Passover celebration I encourage you to check one out.  There is one that Messianic Jews celebrate that emphasizes Jesus.

The greater challenge for most of us is to follow God’s leading.  God may not have a cloud in front of us guiding us along our way but he has given us guidance that we need to heed and listen to.  For some of us it is not as hard to move the challenge is sitting still and being in the place God has placed you for the time.  We see in this chapter that it did not matter when or where God stopped, the Israelites stopped.  This was not a democracy where they got a vote.  God stopped they set up camp and served in the place they were at whether they liked it or not.

For some of you the greater challenge is not staying but in moving.  God has been trying to get you moving for years now.  You have set your feet in and dug in.  You have set yourself up so that you can’t move.  Or you have become so attached to where you are at that you have refused to move, whether it is out of fear or just plain disobedience.

Whether you are refusing to sit still, or refusing to move you are out of God’s will and missing the blessings that he has for you.  Remember it is not necessarily going to be an earthquake, fire or strong wind that moves you or stops you.  It is more than likely going to be that still small voice.  Are you listening to God?  Are you where he wants you to be?  I cannot necessarily tell you how you will know because God deals with each of us as individuals.  Check your life, how is it going, is there peace in your life though things seem to be in turmoil.  Are you experiencing God’s blessings in your life?

10 February 2012

Numbers 8

In this chapter we have two sections.  Section one deals with setting up the lamp stand.  Section two deals with the preparing the Levites for the LORD’s work.The lamp stand was hammered out of Gold and was to be set up so that it would light the area in front of it.

I find this interesting for it would seem obvious that you would want to light the area in front but I think that it is also representative of moving forward of not looking back.  We read in scripture that God’s word is a lamp to our feet.  When shining a light you point it in the direction you are going.

The Levites were set aside for the LORD’s work.  We read earlier and it is reiterated here that they were bought and were a substitute for all the first born males of Israel.  To consider the Levites clean there were things that the Levites were to do personally.  There were other requirements that Moses was responsible to ensure the Levites were considered clean.

Moses took care of the sin offering sacrifice for the forgiveness of their sins.  Some other things that stood out to me is that part of cleansing themselves is that the Levites were to shave all hair off their bodies.  The other thing I find interesting is God has installed a retirement plan for the Levites.  Those 25 to 50 years old were eligible to serve at the tent of meetings.  When they reached 50 years old they were to retire from active service and not work anymore.  They were allowed to assist the other Levites in their duties but they were not to do regular work.


The first thing I see in this chapter is that we need to let our light shine before men.  It should be out in front of us.  There should be no doubt of our relationship with God.  With God's light before us we will be able to follow his path for our lives.

Scripture says we are to be set apart and a royal priesthood.  If this is a fact we need to prepare ourselves for service to the LORD.  We can boldly go to the throne room of God but only after we have prepared ourselves to enter into his presence by seeking forgiveness for our sins and being washed a new and cleansed from our unrighteousness.

09 February 2012

Numbers 7 Offerings

Chapter 7 is a long chapter most of it is redundant as it describes how each tribe's leader brought their gifts to the tabernacle.

The chapter begins with the blessing of the tent and all the pieces of the tabernacle.  This is followed by the Israelites bring their offerings to the tent of meetings.  Majority of the chapter is essentially the same thing as each tribe brings the same gifts over the next twelve days.

What struck me in this was the importance of the offerings.  The offerings were intended to allow the Levites to be able to do the work of the ministry.  Remember the Levites responsibility was to the Tent of Meeting and ministry to the people of Israel.  They were not out making a living this was their living.  What we need to understand here is that this was just an offering.  We will see later that this is different from the tithe.


As a minister I am aware of those out there who do not always do what is right with the offerings their ministry receives.  This causes many to wonder why they should give an offering.  Many have even stopped giving offerings.  The Bible says that a worker is worth their higher.  There is nothing that says that a ministry or minister cannot have some of the nice things.  I feel it is an issue, unless by the ministers choice, that he / she drives a car that has problems while his parishioners drive newer nicer cars.  I am not saying the minister has to have a Mercedes or Audi.  He or she should have a good reliable vehicle.  

Or a ministers family has to struggle financially because the offerings are not coming in while his / her parishioners enjoy a comfortable life.  There are many ministers who work a full-time job while being a full-time pastor.  They do this simply to be able to take care of their families.  Sometimes this is because the church is not large enough to support the pastor and other times it is because the parishioners are not giving their offerings.  

No a minister should not necessarily get rich from the ministry but they are worthy of their higher.  If you find they are not worthy of their hire, not that you just don't like them because you are being convicted through their ministry, but they have stopped ministering the Word and following after God then unless God has directed you don't make the corporate body suffer by withholding your offerings.  You take the steps necessary to have the leadership removed.

What I see in this chapter is the importance of supporting the ministries were we are spiritually fed spiritually.  Are you properly supporting the ministry where you are being spiritual fed? Why have you stopped supporting it?  What you give is between you and God.  Ensure you are not sinning by withholding your offerings.

07 February 2012

Number 6 Continued, "Blessings"

The end of Numbers chapter 6 are some of my favorite verses.

What we have in these verses is the blessing that the LORD gave to Moses for Israel.  I like how these verses read in God's Word translation reads. 

"The LORD said to Moses, "Tell Aaron and his sons, 'This is how you will bless the Israelites.  Say to them:  The LORD will bless you and watch over you.  The LORD will smile on you and be kind to you.  The LORD will look on you with favor and give you peace.'  "So whenever they use my name to bless the Israelites, I will bless them."

Notice that it does not just say the LORD bless you it has the word will added in there.  This is important because it conveys the active voice of the words, bless, smile and look.  God’s blessings, smile and looking on the Israelites is ongoing.  It is not a onetime thing.
The LORD will bless….  The LORD will smile….  The LORD will look….

Now one of the interesting points about this blessings is when being said over Israel the priest would raise his right hand over them.  The Israelites in return would raise their right hand to receive the blessing.

God’s desire to is bless.  It is evident when we look at these verses we see God's heart to bless.  Don't misunderstand here.  I am not talking like those who preach the propserity gospel.  This is not just dealing with being blessed financially or if you name it you will have it.  God's blessings come in so many different ways.  If you are looking you will see his blessings poured out.  If you are only looking for monetary blessings then you will miss the other blessings God is giving.
So I say raise my right hand to you and say to you the words of Numbers 6: 24 – 26

“The LORD will bless you and watch over you.  The LORD will smile on you and be kind to you.  The LORD will look on you with favor and give you peace.”

May you recieve God's blessings today.

06 February 2012

Numbers 6

     In Numbers chapter 6 God addresses the taking of vows, specifically taking a vow as a Nazirite.   A Nazirite was an individual, man or woman, who chose to be set aside or dedicated to the LORD.  The Nazirite vow was a matter of choice not obligation by a specific tribe.  When one takes a vow to be a Nazirite they are to:

     1.     Never drink wine, liquor, vinegar made from wine or liquor or any kind of grape juice.

           a.  Never eat fresh grapes or raisins
           b.  Never eat anything that comes from a grapevine not even grape seeds or skins

     2.     No razor may touch their heads during the entire time that they are dedicated to the LORD as Nazirites (Their long hair was a sign of dedication to the Lord).

     3.     Must never go near a dead body (This included close relatives like their father, mother or siblings).

     30 days was the minimum length an individual could take a vow to be a Nazirite.  If an individual violated these vows on purpose or inadvertently they would have to offer a sacrifice cut off all their hair and to start over from the beginning as if the first time period did not count.

Upon completion of the time they agreed to keep this vow there was certain religious requirements that had to be completed to show they had completed the vow.  These requirements included bringing both burnt and other offerings before the Lord and shaving their head and putting their hair on the fire with the fellowship offering.  They were then released from the vow.

     The application I see in this chapter is the importance upon taking a vow.  In this case it was a vow of dedication to the LORD.  There are various vows we make in our lives.  The greatest is the vow to dedicate ourselves to the Lord.  There are those of us who have taken a vow of marriage.  Some of us have made other both spiritual and non-spiritual vows.  When we vow to set ourselves apart as dedicated to the LORD or vow to God to remain with an individual in marriage, or any other type of vow we take before the LORD we need to keep that vow until God releases us.  Or in the case of a religious vow such as the Nazirites to hold to it for that amount of time we agreed.

     To often these days we have become flippant in the vows we take.  We quickly disguard or violate them because they become inconvient.  If a vow was easy then there would be no reason to vow to do something.  So when we enter into a vow we should not take it lightly but with much thought and prayer.  To violate a vow before we have been released from that vow is a sin.  For this reason we must be cautious of the vows we choose to take.  For they are held highly by God.  For this reason we, especially Christians, should let our yes be yes and our no, no.